(Tarantella-cabinet max 18 persons)
Minimum sales
from 10.00 to 16.00 1500€
from 16 to 23.30 500€
Meeting rooms in Helsinki – At restaurant NJK, you can organize a successful meeting at Helsinki’s prime location. After the meeting day, you can stay with us for dinner or even sauna! Familiarize yourself with our meeting packages below and make a quote request!
Whole day package 65,00€/person
In the morning
Coffee/tea and toast skagen with juice and smoothie
Two course lunchmenu recommended by chef de cuisine
(buffet min 40/person)
In the afternoon
Coffee/tea and berrypie with vanillasauce
Meeting facilities
Dataprojector, white screen, flipchart and note accessories
Half day package 53,00€/person
In the morning or in the afternoon
toast skagen OR berrypie with vanillasauce
together with juice and smoothie
Two course lunchmenu recommended by chef de cuisine
(buffet min 40/person)
Meeting facilities
Dataprojector, white screen, flipchart and note accessories
Also served
Coffee and tea during the whole occasion 6,50 €/person
Refresments 5,50 €/piece
Meeting without lunch
Coffee/tea and toast skagen and berrypie and vanillasauce 29,00 €/person
Coffee/tea and toast skagen OR berrypie and vanillasauce 20,00 €/person
Coffee/tea and fresh fruits 15,00 €/person